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47th Annual Dorchester Center for the Arts Showcase Event : 2023
September 24, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2023 Showcase Event
Join us for the 47th Annual Dorchester Center for the Arts Showcase event on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 from 12-5pm. This artwalk and street festival along historic High Street in Cambridge is DCA’s way of “Celebrating our Creative Community,” and is a family-friendly free arts event, held rain or shine. The generous support of the Nathan Foundation, the Maryland State Arts Council, and the staff and volunteers of DCA have helped present this event for over 40 years.
Below are links to all our musical performers at DCA Art Showcase! Sunday, September 24th, 12-5pm
>Cambridge Ukulele Group: dorchesterarts.org/clubs/
>Trinidad and Tobago Baltimore Steel Orchestra Duo: Trinidad and Tobago Baltimore Steel Orchestra & http://ttbaltimoresteelorch.wixsite.com/ttbaltosteelorch
>Reagan Kent: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063775083002 & www.reagankent.com
>Bay Country Chorus: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064310816616 & www.baycountrychorus.com
>Eastern Shore Dance Academy: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063630877360 & www.easternshoredanceacademy.com
>Mid-Shore Community Band: Mid-Shore Community Band, Maryland & www.mscb.org
>Ballet folklorico la Esperanza de Cambridge,MD: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093843336096
>Garrett Roe Music: Garrett Roe Music
>Mike Elzey & students: Mike ELzey’s Guitar Studio & www.mikeelzeysguitarstudio.com
>Improv Easton: Improv Easton
>Ellie Rose Music: Ellie Rose Music
>Bridgette Michaels: bridgettemichaels.com
>Paul Harrison & Kevin Diaz: Paul Harrison
There will be several stages for music and dance during the event. Food vendors will be offering up delectable Eastern Shore cuisine while local restaurants in the Main Street Historic District will be open for business. This juried event displays paintings, photography, ceramics, drawing/pastel, fiber/textiles, glass, jewelry, leather, wood, metal, mixed media, printmaking, sculpture, and found objects; even heritage arts such as blacksmithing. Artists and artisans travel from all over Delmarva, with dozens returning to the event year after year, to fill this beautiful waterfront venue with creative and unique artwork for show and sale.
Visitors will also find an array of booths featuring area nonprofits on hand to share their excellent work with event visitors and sign up for trips that day on the Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester.
Artisan, food, and nonprofit groups who are interested in participating in Showcase are invited to fill out the online registration forms or download the applications here and mail or walk them into DCA during its business hours. Contact Melissa Cooperman with any questions at [email protected]